
Thursday, December 27, 2007

+++perjalanan bermula di bukit permai berakhir di genting+++

mggu ni merupakan mggu y plg bahagia sblm berakhirnye kontrak kt ukm ni...kami pasukan Scorpion Merah memulakan plan y kami rancang sebelum stil ade lg tmpt y ktorg x g xpe,mase msih byk lg...hehehe..

malam 24hb 12 2007, bermulanye perjalanan kami...kami bertolak ke puncak bukit permai..mase tuh dlm pukol 10...kami menyaksikan keindahan KL...shida melakukan tugasnye sbg photographer terkenal mengambil gambar2 KL view n gmbr ktorg...byk jgk gmbr y shida amik..huhuhu...namun, xsume gmbr menjadik...maklomle,sume tgn xbedung...hahaha.puas rasenye dpt lihat seluruh, xsumenye molek kt bukit permai tuh, ade gk pasangan y merendek kt dlm keta..mencemarkn sket keindahan alam..agknye, klo kt tmpt tggi ni pencegah maksiat xnaik..sng sket...hOhohO...mcm2 senario aku dpt lihat...rmi gk family y nek kt ats tuh..mat2 rempit...sume nye nk menjamu pemandangan KL dari atas...dlm kol 12 kami turun ke bwh...

@bukit permai

kami tidak tros pulang ke umah, kami pergi ke putrajaya...shida ingin mengambil gmbr keindahan putrajaya pd waktu mlm...aku n ikin mengikut aje...hehehe..dan kami jugak y menjadik model tok gmbr2 y shida amik..huhuhu..penat sebenarnye..namun,kami gagahi jua...lm jugak ktorg lepak kt putrajaya..dlm kol 2 bru ktorg smpi umah...smpi kt umah jek,sume org melepek...penat...sbb sok nk kua lg..tenaga y ade perlu d simpan...

kt putrajaya...

pagi 25hb 12 2007, kami btolak ke genting highland...kami pergi berempat, aku, ikin, shida n nuar...sblm kami memulakan perjalanan, kami singgah dlu petronas tok mbeli mknn serta isi minyak keta..mknn y kami beli xterhngga byknye..mklomle kt ats nnt sbnrynye ktorg beli gk mknn kt ats tuh...mklomle pasukan Scorpion Merah ni mmg kuat makan...hehehe;P... kami sampai kt atas puncak dlm kol11...kami memulakan permainan kami dengan bermain pusing2 dlm cup...permainan tuh sbrnye tok budak2 aku rase tp y tua2 bangka ni pon nk men gk...hahaha..;p

sejuk gile...

permainan seterusnye pon mencabar gk kami nek pirate ship...part ni mmg klaka,nuar takut nek bnd ni..klaka tol...ley die btafakur kt ats tuh...hahaha...nuar2...ikin pon sm gk..xpyh ckpla, nth bukak mata nth idak budak tuh...hehehe...mcm2 permainan kami men kt sna, cyclone rollercoaster,flying dragon, mini train,nek roda ferris, menyusuri sg.rejang...klaka gk part ms nek roda ferris kt gnting tuh,ikin ley tkot gile...die xbg aku bgerak lgsg kt dlm tuh...tkot bnd tuh jatuh..punyela tkot minah ni..ish2..xpe menambahkn kekuatan dlm dri kita...byk game ktorg men arituh ade due bnd penting ktorg xmen iaitu rollercoaster y besor tuh ngn spaceshot...aku nk nek rollercoaster y besor tuh tp dsebabkn cuace y sgt sejuk n kabus y byk sgt, aku membatalkn niat aku...huhuhu...spaceshot aku xdpt nek, xd org nk tmn aku nek..rase mcm rugi je nek genting xmen spaceshot...huhuhu..xpela..y penting dpt gk men mcm2...ktorg explore 1 genting tuh smpi kol 10 mlm..gile lm ktorg dok genting...beku tuh xpyh cite r...dgn rasa laparnye...mmg ktorg lapar sgt, mknn y ktorg bwk dr bwh pon da abih...ktorg beli lg kt tuh po still xcukup...huhuhu..mmg xsabar rasenye nk turon bwh plak..ktorg tron bwh kol 10...ikin n shida mmg da tbongkang da dlm keta, xlarat da..penat sgt...tinggal aku n nuar je y bjaga...btol2 penat minah bdue tuh...huhuhu;P

nk blik da ni...tggu jokey...

kami pergi mkn mlm d luar dlu sblm kami plang ke umah..part makan y plg sronok...huhuhu...mmg ktorg mkn habis2an...huhuhu...ilang rase penat bile dpt mkn...rase mcm da bertenaga blik...ley nek genting lg skali..hehehe:P...dlm kol12 kami pulang ke umah...aku pon penat gk...smpi2 je, tros aku mbute smpi pg esoknye...hehehe:P

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

+++My Wish+++

I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,

But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,

But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,

This is my wish
i hope you know somebody who loves you
may all you dreams stay big

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


buhsan..buhsan..aku rase buhsan..aku malas...aku malas nk siapkn report y disuruh oleh dr.muriati...nth bile la aku nk start wat..c shida ley bg alasan y kononnye kami tlibat ngn sukan ukm..jd sukarelawan..cet..pdhl die je sukarelawan..aku tumpang sekaki je..hahaha;p

minggu ni aku dpt lihat kawan2 ku sume mengalami sindrom kebosanan, kepenatan, kemalasan..aku pon tlibat skali..xtau r nape..mybe kene virus kot..ikin, ra y plg rajin dlm abad ni, skrg ni tlh tido ngn lena..jrg die bsikap demikian..besenye die akn mengadap sistem die smpi setel skrg ni, die asek tido je..penat..begitu juga dgn shu, die y slalu btungkus lumus m'donlod muvie2 tbaru tok aku, pon keletihan n tido...apakah y blaku?nk kate dorg tdo lewat, lewat lg aku tido.. mungkin mengalami gangguan emosional..tertekan..bese r pompuan..aku pon pompuan gk..hehehe;P

skrg ni rutin harian y slalu aku wat aftr blik kje..tido...lps solat maghrib, aku tros tarik selimut tok tido..shu n ekin pon join bile malam, mata tuh start r xley tido..guling sana, guling sini pon xley gk nk tido...c ekin n shu da lm berada dlm dunia khayalan..aku dgr radio la, kaco kwn2 aku y da tdo la..hahaha..mcm2...itu r rutin harian aku y tkini...sindrom bosan n malas mnyerang aku n kawanku...kesian kwn2ku y rajin2 belaka, tpksa mhadapi sindrom ini wp xrela..hahaha;P


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

plan Scorpion Merah tok meronggeng!!

xlama lg, pasukan Scorpion Merah akan bpecah mngikut haluan masing2 dsbbkn tamatnye kontrak dsini...huhuhu..aku malas nk smbung da...ikin n shida pon mls nk smbung gk...dorg sume nk cri experience len..

sempena meniti hari2 bersama y semakin hari semakin sikit, kami, pasukan Scorpion Merah mmbuat pelbagai plan tok menghabiskan masa bsama2...terdapat 6 tempat y tmasuk dlm senarai kami...


+++Bukit Permai+++

+++Melaka(y ni da explore bru2 ni)+++

+++Ulu Yam+++

+++Bukit Tinggi+++

+++Teluk Batik(y ni mungkin cancel, d ganti dgn Langkawi)+++

plan kami y tulih d whiteboard kabin 14 kejut

moga plan y kami rancang akn bjaya dlaksanakn...hehehe..korg doakn kami bjaye!!!hahaha;P